The Paediatric Emergency Department at Children’s Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre offers electives to senior medical students (medical students who are currently in their third or fourth year of medical school).

During these electives, medical students will interview patients and their families independently, perform a history and physical examination, formulate a differential diagnosis and management plan and then report their findings to a staff Paediatric Emergency Physician. Our electives are unique in that medical students work directly with staff Paediatric Emergency physicians who provide them with feedback and clinical teaching in real-time. Medical students receive hands on exposure to procedures such as suturing, lumbar punctures, casting and fracture reduction which provide an excellent opportunity for learning.

Students are encouraged to read around common paediatric complaints and to review the approach to the acutely ill child. At the end of the elective rotation, students receive an evaluation which provides feedback and suggestions.

Dr. Eman Loubani, Paediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) Undergraduate Medical Education Director, is in charge of evaluating medical students and collating feedback from other physicians who have worked with the students on shift.

For Inquiries about our elective program, please contact:

Ms. Vanessa Jones

Undergraduate Education Program Assistant, Paediatrics

Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry

Western University, London, Ontario, Canada
